Categories: In the U.S.

Open letter: Peoples of the world with Evo!

People’s organizations condemn U.S.-instigated coup in Bolivia

We, allied anti-imperialist organizations and individuals across the world, condemn the rightwing coup against Indigenous President Evo Morales that forced him and other members of the Bolivian government to resign. This coup is being undertaken to inflict the worst kind of violence upon class-conscious, Indigenous revolutionaries who, under the banner of Indigenous socialism, have forged the path toward self-determination and peace.

To this day, no evidence exists to demonstrate that the October 20 elections which Evo Morales won were fraudulent. As early as one day later–on October 21–the Organization of American States (OAS) released a public statement in an attempt to discredit the election results

without any supporting evidence. For all its claims of multilateralism and diversity, the OAS receives a disproportionate amount of its funding from Washington, D.C.

This is not the first time that the United States government engaged in a coup in Latin America. This is not the first time that the U.S. government fully supported a member of the local economic and political elite whose aim is to restore the ruling elite bloc’s policies which are hostile to the interests of the majority.

Evo Morales’ rival, former Bolivian President Carlos Mesa, an agent of the Washington, D.C.-based think tank, the Inter-American Dialogue, and a political figure known for his hostility towards Indigenous socialism and partiality to multinational big business, has the qualifications of an ideal imperialist comprador.

The contributions of the Movement for Socialism (MAS)–under the leadership of Evo Morales–enjoy enormous support from the Indigenous population and the working class of Bolivian society. Its contributions to the political and economic advancements of Bolivia through the painstaking economic and cultural empowerment of Indigenous people and workers is well known and is inspiring, especially at this time of neoliberal attacks on the world’s working people.

We stand together in unity with Bolivian workers, peasants and Indigenous people in their struggle against U.S. intervention and economic imperialism. We strongly condemn the comprador elite in Bolivia who are agents of U.S. imperialism. We are prepared to reinforce all efforts to bring the perpetrators of violence to justice, may it be in the form of support for our Bolivian friends and comrades and/or an international people’s tribunal that will hold the culprits in this electoral destabilization and rightist coup fully accountable for their crimes against humanity.

El mundo con Evo, so are we!

U.S. hands off Bolivia!

Defend the right to self-determination!

Defend the people’s right to live in peace!

Signed by:

    1. American Indian Movement Southern California
    2. Anakbayan USA
    3. BAYAN (New Patriotic Alliance) Philippines
    4. BAYAN- USA
    5. Black Workers for Justice
    6. Candidatura d’Unitat Popular Països Catalans
    7. Coordinadora Nacional Sindical y Social (CNUSS-Guatemala)
    8. Covert Action Magazine (USA)
    9. For the People – North Amerikan Federation (USA)
    10. Frente Populare (Italy)
    11. Frente Popular Revolucionario (FPR Mexico)
    12. Fundación Amancio (Guatemala)
    13. Human Rights Alliance for Child Refugees & Families (USA)
    14. International League of Peoples’ Struggle-Australia (ILPS)
    15. ILPS Canada
    16. ILPS Guatemala
    17. ILPS Philippines
    18. LPS Commission 1 The cause of national liberation, democracy and social liberation against imperialism and all reaction
    19. ILPS Commission 11 Struggle of teachers and other education workers against imperialism and for an alternative future
    20. International Women’s Alliance
    21. Inti Barrios: Costureras de Sueños (Mexico)
    22. Juventudes Socialistas del Perú
    23. Journal of Labor and Society
    24. May Day Committee (Melbourne Australia)
    25. Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM)
    26. New Afrikan People’s Organization (NAPO)
    27. New York Boricua Resistance
    28. New York Peace Council
    29. Occupy ICE Los Angeles
    30. October Revolution Centenary (New York City)
    31. Philippine-U.S. Solidarity Organization PUSO Seattle
    32. Philippines-Bolivarian Venezuela Friendship Association
    33. Potere al Popolo (Italy)
    34. Proles of the Roundtable (USA)
    35. Regional Council of Africans in the Americas
    36. Union of Cypriots (Cyprus)
    37. Unión del Barrio (USA)
    38. Carol Araullo – Chair, BAYAN Philippines
    39. Alessio Arena – Fronte Popolare, Italy
    40. Christopher Connery, Professor, University of California Santa Cruz
    41. Diego Gullotta, Professor of Sociology, PRC
    42. Giuliano Granato – National Coordination, Potere al Popolo, Italy
    43. Andrew Kahn, Voice of América Blog
    44. Liza Maza – Secretary-General, International League of Peoples’ Struggle
    45. Mateo Bernabé López Pérez, Coordinadora nacional sindical y social, Guatemala
    46. Florentino López Martínez, Frente Popular Revolucionario Mexico
    47. Immanuel Ness – author, Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working Class (2016) and Chair, New York Peace Council
    48. Ben Norton, journalist, USA
    49. Paloma Polo – filmmaker, Spain
    50. Sarah Raymundo – Chair, Philippines-Bolivarian Venezuela Friendship Association
    51. Renato Reyes Jr.,  Secretary-General BAYAN-Philippines
    52. Akinyele Umoja, author, We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement (2013)
    53. Samuel Villatoro, Fundación Amancio, Guatemala
    54. Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
    55. Socialist Unity Party/Partido de Socialismo Unido (USA)
    56. Oz Karahan – President, Union of Cypriots (Cyprus)
    57. Loan Tran, International Action Center (U.S.)
    58. Alliance for Global Justice
    59. Chuck Kaufman, National Co-Coordinator, Alliance for Global Justice (U.S.)
    60. Prof. Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson Emeritus, International League of Peoples’ Struggle
    61. Students and Youth for a New America
    62. Dakota Lily, activist, Students and Youth for a New America, NYC-NJ-PA
    63. Congress of Teachers and Educators for Nationalism and Democracy-UP (CONTEND-UP)
    64. Gwen Bautista, Artist and Independent Curator
    65. People’s Power Assembly (Baltimore, MD USA)
    66. Youth Against War & Racism (Baltimore, MD USA)
    67. Malcolm Guy, Vice-Chair External, International League of Peoples’ Struggle
    68. Centre d’appui aux Philippines / Centre for Philippine Concerns (Montréal)
    69. Concerned Artists of the Philippines
    70. Antares Gomez Bartolome (Quezon City, Ph)
    71. Danny Haiphong, Contributing Writer, Black Agenda Report
    72. Cindy Sheehan, National Coordinator of March on the Pentagon and Host/Producer of Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox
    73. March on the Pentagon
    74. Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox
    75. Carlos Martinez, writer, Invent the Future (London, GB)
    76. Ann Garrison, Journalist, San Francisco Bay View, Black Agenda Report, Pacifica Radio
    77. ILPS Commission 4
    78. FMLN-Vancouver
    79. Solidaridad Ayotzinapa Vancouver
    80. Venezuela Peace and Solidarity Committee of Vancouver
    81. Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza – Editor, Orinoco Tribune
    82. United National Antiwar Coalition
    83. Committee to Stop FBI Repression
    84. Chicago Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines
    85. Jaime Coreas Jiménez, FMLN Vancouver
    86. María Luisa Meléndez, FMLN Vancouver
    87. Clara Sorrenti, Activist, Communist Party of Canada – Forest City Club
    88. Venezuela Peace and Solidarity Committee of Vancouver
    89. Leslie Salgado, Friends of Latin America, Columbia, MD
    90. Michele & Rick Tingling-Clemmons, Gray Panthers of Metropolitan Washington

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