Categories: Cuba

Letter to the international community: End the blockade and the destabilizing actions against Cuba

Photo: Omara GARCÍA MEDEROS/sdl

Letter signed by hundreds of world leaders and personalities in solidarity with the Cuban people and government up against the full-fledged destabilization attempts planned for November 15.

The United States has maintained a blockade against Cuba for more than sixty years. Since the nineties of the last century, Washington issued a series of laws that tightened it even more, trying to close off possibilities for the purchase of food, seeking to crush its people by hunger.

Donald Trump’s government alone issued 243 measures that affect Cuba’s economy much more, many of them during the Covid-19 pandemic. They are still in effect under the Joe Biden administration.

The objective has not changed: to suffocate the Cuban economy and cause suffering to its population so that it revolts against the revolutionary government.

Washington has arrogantly disregarded the annual condemnation of the United Nations General Assembly, which demands an end to this inhumane procedure.

At the same time, for decades the US government has been investing millions of dollars in the creation of “dissidents”, of “opponents”, of all kinds, irrelevant inside Cuba but extolled by the international press with the purpose of damaging the image of the revolution and thus justifying the application of the criminal blockade.

With this, it also seeks the isolation of Cuba, one of the main objectives being that the European Union should break off relations with Cuba.

Without hiding it, it allocates millions of dollars to promote internal subversion, calling for civil disobedience, anarchy and chaos, with the sole purpose of putting an end to the current political system and installing one that only responds to its interests.

Washington cares nothing about the immense scientific achievements of the revolution which, among other things, will make Cuba the first country in the world to have its entire population vaccinated against Covid-19 in a few weeks, and with its own vaccines. Although Washington went to great lengths to prevent Cuba from acquiring even syringes with which to administer the vaccines.

Washington, in addition to counting on the complicity of the great corporate press, also relies on individuals who, mainly from Florida, set up campaigns calling for violent protests in the streets in order to overthrow the government.

Inside the country, individuals who feel supported and protected by Washington, using as a banner the difficult economic situation due to the blockade (a situation that is exacerbated by Covid, as in all other nations), call for subversive demonstrations. They do so regardless of the laws in force which prohibit

any attack on the political system in force, as is logical political system in force, as is logical in all the states of the world. And even more so when it is incited by a foreign power.

We, the undersigned, once again call upon the government of the United States to cease the inhumane blockade against Cuba, and to stop its attempts to destabilize a nation that at no time has carried out actions against its security; much less has it interfered in its internal affairs, nor has it called upon the U.S. citizenry to subvert the Cuban government.

U.S. citizens to subvert the established order, in spite of the multiple and serious internal social problems of this world power.

On the initiative of Ignacio Ramonet, journalist, Spain; Hernando Calvo Ospina, writer, France; Atilio Borón, sociologist, Argentina and Fernando Buen Abad, philosopher, Mexico,

We the under signed :

Dilma Roussef, former president of Brazil.

Rafael Correa, former president of Ecuador.

José Manuel Zelaya, former president of Honduras.

Ernesto Samper Pizano, former president of Colombia.

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize, Argentina.

Martín Almada, Alternative Nobel Prize, Paraguay.

Pablo González Casanova, UNESCO Prize, Mexico.

Alfred de Zayas, UN independent expert, USA.

Jean Ziegler, former Special Rapporteur, UN, Switzerland.

César Luis Menotti, former coach of Argentina’s national soccer team.

Monsignor Jacques Gaillot, France.

Leonardo Boff, liberation theologian, Brazil.

Marcelo Barros, Benedictine monk, Brazil.

Heinz Bierbaum, member of the European Parliament, president of the Party of the European Left,Germany.

Maite Mola, MEP, vice-president of the Party of the European Left, Spain.

European Left Party, Spain.

Manu Pineda, MEP, Spain.

Yeidckol Polevnsky, Chamber of Deputies, Mexico.

Héctor Díaz-Polanco, Deputy, Mexico City, Mexico.

Bert Anciaux, Senator, Belgium.

Carlo Sommaruga, Senator, Switzerland.

María de Lourdes Santiago, senator, Puerto Rico.

François-Michel Lambert, deputy, France.

André Chassaigne, deputy, France.

Miguel Mejía, minister, Dominican Republic.

Juan E. Romero, deputy, National Assembly, Venezuela.

Michele de Col, Councilman of Venice, Italy.

Dmitrij Palagi, Councilman of Florence, Italy.

Thanasis Petrakos, Regional Councilor, Greece.

José Agualsaca, Legislator, Ecuador.

Costas Isychos, former Alternate Minister of Defense, former MP, Greece.

Dimitris Stratoulis, former MP, former minister, Greece.

Nandia Valavani, former Deputy Minister of Finance and former MP, Greece.

Olivio Dutra, former minister, Brazil.

Paulo Vanucchi, former minister, Brazil.

Juan Ramón Quintana, former minister, Bolivia.

Paolo Ferrero, former minister, Italy.

Ricardo Patiño, former minister, Ecuador.

Galo Chiriboga, former prosecutor, Ecuador.

Gabriela Rivadeneira, former president of the National Assembly, Ecuador.

Piedad Córdoba, former senator, Colombia.

Giovanni Russo Spena, former senator, Italy.

Leonardo Caponi, former senator, Italy.

Eleonora Forenza, former Member of the European Parliament, Italy.

Juliana Isabel Marino, former ambassador, Argentina.

Rosa Rinaldi, former vice-president, Province of Rome, Italy.

Blanca Flor Bonilla, former congresswoman, El Salvador.

Kenarik Boujikian, former TJ-SP judge, Brazil.

Carlos Viteri, former congressman, Ecuador.

Fidel Narváez, diplomat, Ecuador.

Juan Carlos Monedero, Podemos Party, Spain.

Joao Pedro Stedile, Landless Movement, Brazil.

Tania Díaz González, Deputy and Vice-President of Communication of the PSUV, Venezuela.

Mauricio Acerbo, National Secretary of the Communist Refoundation, Italy.

Marco Consolo, International Relations, Communist Refoundation, Italy,

Andrea Ferroni, national coordinator Communist Youth, Italy.

Izquierda Unida, Spain.

Communist Party of Spain.

Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain.

Communist Party of Spain (m-l).

Ruben Suarez Ciria, Frente Amplio, Uruguay.

Lois López Leoira, Anti-imperialist International of the Peoples,

Ana Valentino, Movimiento Octubres, Argentina.

Manuel Bertoldi, Frente Patria Grande, Argentina.

Franco Zunino, President ARCI, Savona, Italy.

José Escoda, Frente Socialista, Puerto Rico.

Oscar Bonilla, Acción Política, Ecuador.

Cristian Armando, Fundación Sueños Colectivos, Argentina.

Ricardo Ulcuango, Indigenous leader, Ecuador.

Kanelis Giorgos, Deputy Secretary, Kalamata Labor Center, Greece.

Pratis Dimitris, DOY Mesinias Union, Greece.

Fernando Cardozo, CTA Autónoma, Argentina.

Mariano Ciafardini, Solidarity Party, Argentina.

Chico Buarque, musician, Brazil.

Willie Toledo, actor, Spain.

Norman Briski, actor, Argentina.

Chabela Rodríguez, singer, Puerto Rico.

Daniel Devita, musician, Argentina.

Chico Diaz, actor, Brazil.

Takis Vamvakidis, actor, Greece.

Pierre Carles, filmmaker, France.

Adorno Martín, film director, Argentina.

Tania Hermida, filmmaker, Ecuador.

Ricardo Kiko Cerone, theater director, Argentina.

Enrique Dacal, theater director, Argentina.

Jorge Falcone, documentary filmmaker, Argentina.

Paula Ferré, troubadour. Argentina.

Fabián Bertero, musician, Argentina.

Facundo Jofre, troubadour, Argentina.

Solimar Ortíz Jusino, poet, Puerto Rico.

William Pérez Vega, Poetas en Marcha, Puerto Rico.

Juan Camacho, poet, Puerto Rico.

Francis Combes, poet, France.

Raúl Zurita, poet, Chile.

Jaime Svart, poet, Chile/Greece.

Mauricio Vidales, poet, Colombia.

Manuel Santos Iñurrieta, playwright, Argentina.

Cachito Vera, cultural manager, Ecuador.

Pablo Guayasamin, cultural manager, Ecuador.

Techi Cusmanich, cultural manager, Paraguay.

Javier Etayo, humorist, Basque Country.

Pilar Bustos, artist, Ecuador.

María Centeno, artist, Venezuela.

Martha Moreleon, artist, Mexico/Greece.

Pavel Eguez, painter, Ecuador.

Ilonka Vargas, artist, Ecuador.

Loukia Konstantinou, Cultural Center “Our America,” Greece.

Fernando Morais, writer, Brazil.

Frei Betto, writer, Brazil.

Luis Britto García, writer, Venezuela.

Michel Collon, writer, Belgium.

Panagiotis Maniatis, writer, Greece.

Argentina Chiriboga, writer, Ecuador.

Vicente Battista, writer, Argentina.

Τasos Kantaras, writer, Greece.

Galo Mora, writer, Ecuador.

José Regato, writer, Ecuador.

Jenny Londoño, writer, Ecuador.

Patricia Villegas, President Telesur, Venezuela.

Wafi Ibrahim, journalist, Lebanon.

Manuel Cabieses, journalist, Chile.

Stella Calloni, journalist, Argentina.

Mario Silva, journalist, Venezuela.

Gustavo Veiga, journalist, Argentina.

Maxime Vivas, journalist, France.

Cathy Dos Santos, journalist, France.

Pascual Serrano, journalist. Spain.

Geraldina Colotti, journalist, Italy.

Orlando Pérez, journalist, Ecuador.

Carlos Aznárez, journalist, Argentina.

Ivano Iogna Prat, journalist, Luxembourg.

Mery Kampouraki, journalist, Greece.

Maria Kaliva, journalist, Greece.

Daniele Biacchessi, journalist, Italy.

Juan Carlos Espinal, journalist, Dominican Republic.

Ascanio Bernardeschi, journalist, Italy.

Kintto Lucas, journalist, Ecuador.

Telma Luzzani, journalist, Argentina.

José Manzaneda, Cuba Información, Spain.

Jorge Elbaum, journalist, Argentina.

Fabrizio Casari, journalist, Italy.

Sandra Russo, journalist, Argentina.

Omar Ospina, journalist, Ecuador.

Sally Burch, journalist, Ecuador.

Xavier Lasso, journalist, Ecuador.

Elaine Tavares, journalist, Brazil.

Mabel Elina Cury, journalist, Argentina.

Horacio Finoli, journalist, Argentina.

Patricia Latour, journalist, France.

Fernando Arellano Ortiz, journalist, Colombia.

Vaquelis Gonatas, Red Solid@ria, Greece.

Beinusz Smukler, American Association of Jurists, USA.

Carol Proner, jurist, Brazil.

Eduardo “Tuto” Villanueva, lawyer, Puerto Rico.

Wilma Reverón Collazo, lawyer, Puerto Rico.

Paul-Emile Dupret, lawyer, Belgium.

Carmen Diniz, lawyer, Brazil.

Yiannis Rachiotis, lawyer, Greece.

Geovy Jaramillo, lawyer, Ecuador.

Gianluca Schiavon, lawyer, Italy.

Héctor Ortega, lawyer, Spain.

Karla Díaz Martínez, lawyer, Chile.

Glenna Cabello, political scientist, Venezuela.

Gianni Vattimo, philosopher, Italy.

Graciela Ramirez, activist, Argentina.

Alicia Jrapko, activist, United States

Bill Hackwell, activist, United States

Milagros Rivera, social leader, Puerto Rico.

Irene León, sociologist, Ecuador.

Paul Estrade, professor, France.

Paula Klachko, sociologist, Argentina.

Arantxa Tirado, political scientist, Spain.

Pasquale Voza, professor, Italy.

Angelo Baracca, professor, Italy.

Francisco Sierra Caballero, professor, Spain.

Ana Esther Ceceña, professor, Mexico.

Waldir Rampinelli, Professor, Brazil.

Nildo Domingos, professor, Brazil.

Emilio H. Taddei, Professor, Argentina.

Ioannis Kouzis, Professor, Greece.

Juan Torres López, professor, Spain.

Andrea Vento, Professor, Italy.

Themis Tzimas , professor, Greece.

Dimitris Katsonis, professor, Greece.

Gonzalo Perera, mathematician, Uruguay.

Rosella Franconi, biotechnologist, Italy.

Fabrizio Chiodo, scientist, Italy.

Clóvis Cavalcanti, ecological economist, Brazil.

Rosella Franconi, researcher, Italy.

Gilberto López y Rivas, anthropologist, Mexico.

Alicia Castellanos, anthropologist, Mexico.

Tiziano Tussi, CESPI Scientific Committee, Italy.

Giovanna Di Matteo, geographer, Italy.

Luis E. Wainer, sociologist, Argentina.

David Chávez, sociologist, Ecuador.

Juan Paz y Miño, historian, Ecuador.

Eirini Nedelkou, architect, Greece.

Mario Della Rocca, researcher, Argentina.

Erika Silva, sociologist, Ecuador.

Julio Peña y Lillo, sociologist, Ecuador.

María Fernanda Barreto, researcher, Venezuela.

Nelson Rolim de Moura, editor, Brazil.

Pedro Páez, economist, Ecuador.

Miguel Ruiz, economist, Ecuador.

Ricardo Sánchez, economist, Ecuador.

Melania Mora, economist, Ecuador.

Cristian Orosco, economist, Ecuador.

Mario Ramos, sociologist, Ecuador.

Alessandro Fanetti, researcher, Italy.

Rafael Quintero, sociologist, Ecuador.

Movimiento Estatal de Solidaridad con Cuba, Spain.

MediCuba, Spain.

Sodepaz, Spain.

Samuel Wanitsch, coordination Switzerland-Cuba Association.

Marco Papacci, president Italy-Cuba Association.

Didier Philippe, President of the France-Cuba Association.

Victor Fernández, President Cuba Cooperación, France.

Didier Lalande, president Cuba Linda Association, France.

Charly Bouhana, president Asociación Cuba Sí Francia.

Roberto Casella, Circulo Granma Italy-Cuba.

Anna Serena Bartolucci, president AsiCuba, Italy.

Source: Network in Defense of Humanity / Resumen

Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity

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