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San Francisco: Global Action to Stop US Nuke Sub Base in Australian Port Kembla and AUKUS, May 6

All Out on May 6 for Global Action to Stop U.S. Nuke Sub Base in Australian Port Kembla and AUKUS
575 Market St, San Francisco

All Out On May 6, 2023

For Global Action To Stop U.S. Nuke Sub Base in Australian Port Kembla And AUKUS U.S./UK/Australia Military Alliance

May 6, 2023, 12:00 noon
San Francisco Australia Consultate
575 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94105

The U.S. Biden government with the support of both Democrats and the Republicans is preparing for war against China and has set up Aukus, a trilateral “security” pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

As part of this pact, the U.S. now wants to destroy the Australian MUA-organized Port of Kembla and build a nuclear submarine base which would threaten the survival of the unionized port as a commercial port.

The unions and community have had a development plan for renewable energy projects employing thousands of workers and this Nuke base would destroy this initiative.

On May 6, 2023, there will be a rally at the Port Kembla organized by the trades council with the support of the MUA and community . There will be a workers’ community march to the NSW city of Port Kembla to oppose its use as a base for a future submarine fleet.

“The battle for Port Kembla has begun,” said Arthur Rorris, the secretary of the South Coast Labour Council, a longstanding Labor member and one of the organizers of the annual march.”

Around the world, we must support our Brothers, Sisters, and Siblings at the Port of Kembla.

Workers and people around the world need to organize against the militarization of Asia need to unite against this new U.S. nuclear base in Australia and the reactionary AUKUS agreement.

The U.S. and the UK, with Japan and Australia, are working double time to surround China a provoke another war in Asia.

While millions of U.S. people have no healthcare, face homelessness and hunger the U.S. and it’s military-industrial complex is pushing Australia and the world to prepare for world war.

We support worldwide demonstrations against this new proposed NUKE base in Port Kembla, which the Australian Labor Party leadership along with Biden administration, Democrats and Republicans are pushing toward a new world war and only workers and the people can stop this new U.S. base and a world war.

Initiated by United Front Committee For A Labor Party

Endorsed by No Nukes Action, Code Pink, Michael Wong Vice President of VFP *, Workers World Party

*For Identification

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Port Kembla May Day Event

What is Australia Port Kembla’s future? Aussie Labor Opposes U.S. Nuke Base In Their Port…/what-is-port-kemblas-future…?
‘It’s not Fort Kembla’: Labor Protesters plan May Day march against AUKUS…/it-s-not-fort-kembla…
Australian Union opposition to AUKUS
2021 Statement: No Nuclear Subs, No AUKUS, No War on China…/no-nuclear-subs-no-aukus-no…
New South Wales Teacher Federation
Federation opposes AUKUS – 20 March 2023…/03/20/federation-opposes-aukus/
“It is a deep commitment to peace that guides the NSW Teachers Federation’s opposition to militarism and belief that war should never be used to resolve international conflict. There have been too many times in history when warmongering and armaments build-up have led to international conflict, death and destruction.
Federation opposes AUKUS and joins the growing chorus of concern that the AUKUS security pact Australia signed with the U.S.A and the UK compromises the pursuit of an independent foreign policy and has the potential to drag Australia once again into foreign conflict and war.”
ETU (ELECTRICAL TRADE UNION)…/albanese-wong-return-fire-at…
“A spokesman for the Electrical Trades Union confirmed his union also opposed the deal: “While the ETU respects the federal government’s obligation to strike security agreements that protect our national interest, electricians and engineers have a deep and long-standing health and safety concerns about nuclear technology and remain opposed to its use in Australia.”…/etu-fights-for…/
“The AUKUS submarines will be powered by nuclear technology, which betrays Australia’s non-nuclear policy and opens doors to a dangerous and unnecessary domestic nuclear power industry, weapons proliferation and regional arms race.
The ETU is strongly against the deployment of nuclear power in Australia because of the risks associated with the mining and extraction of uranium, the huge build costs, the terrible and deadly consequences to environmental and human health when incidents occur and its potential to take us down the path of devastating weaponry.”
Speech by State Secretary of Qld/NT Electrical Trades Union slams AUKUS deal – 2nd April 2023…/
Statement from Sept 2021 opposing AUKUS on nuclear non-proliferation grounds.
Unions NSW (Peak Union Body in New South Wales)
Motion Against AUKUS passed by Unions NSW in April 2022
Unions New South Wales passed the following motion at its general meeting in April. (Note: Still a Federal Liberal Gov at this stage)
“Unions NSW declares its total opposition to the reckless announcement by Prime Minister Scott Morrison that Australia would be developing nuclear-powered submarines as part of a military alliance with the U.S. and UK.”
Article on split in Union movement over AUKUS
“Individual unions have been split over the AUKUS proposal. The Maritime Union has been a participant in the “Anti-AUKUS coalition” of peace and environmental activists that has protested against the pact.
The South Coast Labour Council is also marshaling opposition to the prospect that Port Kembla will be named the location for an east coast submarine base.
But the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union and Professionals Australia, which represents engineers, stand to benefit from the creation of thousands of secure and highly paid jobs building and maintaining submarines, while the Australian Workers Union has seized on nuclear-powered submarines being the stepping stone to the development of a domestic nuclear energy industry.”
President of ACTU says unions oppose nuclear energy in Australia but leaves them room to back AUKUS by saying it will be “reviewed” by affiliates in next few months.
Struggle - La Lucha

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