White supremacy on the court: Angel Reese targeted

2 months ago

 Over a year ago, Struggle-La Lucha covered the media offensive against LSU women’s basketball star Angel Reese. Even before…

NATO’s escalation in Ukraine: A recipe for direct war on Russia?

2 months ago

 Ukraine is preparing for French military instructors' arrival, reported Bloomberg News on May 28. This announcement resulted from a…

Filipino community stages sit-in for fast food workers’ rights

2 months ago

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, May 27, 2024 Contact: Patrick M., J4JW Community Support Network, (240) 242-9729, j4jw.wheaton@gmail.com WHEATON, MARYLAND —…

People’s Conference for Palestine closes with a pledge to mobilize against Rafah invasion

2 months ago

The conference concluded with a commitment to intensify ending the genocide in Gaza and igniting a summer of struggle for…

UAW strike strengthens Gaza solidarity movement, labor joins fight against genocide

2 months ago

 May 24 — As the bloody Zionist/White House genocide against the people of Gaza continues, so do protests in…

Tribunal finds U.S. and Philippine leaders guilty of war crimes

2 months ago

 Following a hearing on May 17-18, the International People’s Tribunal on War Crimes in the Philippines found Philippine President…

Kanak people resist French colonial rule in New Caledonia

2 months ago

 French propaganda echoed in U.S. corporate media recalls Malcolm X’s famous words: “If you're not careful, the newspapers will…

People of Yemen rally in support of Palestine

2 months ago

The central mobilization took place in Mawlid al-Nabawi Square, west of the city of Saada, and the rest in the…

Protest and serve

2 months ago

Organizers working to end police violence refuse to be intimidated by growing efforts to criminalize free speech. Since Sept. 5,…