South Africa: Gaza genocide is in the hands of the countries that supply Israel with money and weapons

6 months ago

South Africa Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor's Official Statement, Feb. 14, 2024 “Israel was not deterred by the decisions of the…

🇵🇸 Sat Feb 17 protest & march. All out for Rafah! Stop genocide!

6 months ago

Stay in the streets for Palestine Saturday, 2/17 Global Day of Protest for Palestine Emergency Noise Protest All Out for…

Haiti still smoldering: Carnaval fizzles after uprising flops, as skirmishes continue

6 months ago

Despite three days of nationwide demonstrations, barricades, and street fighting, Haiti’s de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry still clings to…

Crawfish in the coal mine: Climate disruption is here

6 months ago

 Last weekend, my partner and I ate at a local restaurant in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Crawfish season had clearly…

Taiwan elections: U.S. beats the war drums despite the vote

6 months ago

When the election results for Taiwan’s president and legislature were announced on January 13, the U.S. corporate media seemed jubilant.…

On Philippines Solidarity Month: Pass the Philippines Human Rights Act!

6 months ago

U.S. out of the Philippines! Victory to the People’s Democratic Revolution! Black History Month happens to share February with Philippines…

Struggle ★ La Lucha PDF – February 12, 2024

6 months ago

Get PDF here Will the Pentagon attack Iran? Justice demands reparations 'A slap in the face’: Trump meeting sparks outrage…

Free Samaher Esmail!

6 months ago

 On Feb. 5, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) soldiers kidnapped Samaher Esmail, a 46-year-old mother and Palestinian-American who lives in…

Under attack for solidarity with Palestine, NYC students are fighting back

6 months ago

 A thousand people came to New York City's Washington Square Park in Lower Manhattan on Feb. 8 to show…

Putin debunks Tucker Carlson’s warmongering anti-China propaganda, mocks his CIA ties

6 months ago

The U.S. TV host Tucker Carlson set off a political scandal by traveling to Moscow this February to interview Russian…