Putin debunks Tucker Carlson’s warmongering anti-China propaganda, mocks his CIA ties

6 months ago

The U.S. TV host Tucker Carlson set off a political scandal by traveling to Moscow this February to interview Russian…

Venezuela rejects new ExxonMobil oil wells in Essequibo, ramped-up U.S. military aid

6 months ago

Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez has strongly criticized the expansion of US corporation Exxon Mobil’s oil exploration in the territorial…

Pakistan’s misery continues

6 months ago

Pakistan has a general election on 8 February. It will decide on the next government of the world’s fifth-most populous…

Anti-war activist Merle Ratner mourned in Vietnam

6 months ago

Le Hoai Trung, secretary of the Party's Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations, has expressed the…

John Parker to Genocide Joe: People of the world say no to war!

6 months ago

On Feb. 2 and 3, the U.S. bombed alleged Iran-linked targets in Syria and Iraq. U.S. authorities say this was…

PFLP: War criminal Biden’s statements on Gaza are false, deceptive, and election-oriented

6 months ago

Feb. 9 — The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) confirmed that the recent statements by the U.S.…

🇵🇸 Baltimore Outreach Day for Palestine

6 months ago

#Free Palestine - Stay in the streets Baltimore Outreach Day for Palestine Saturday, Feb 10, 11 am If it rains…

U.S. hands off Iraq, Syria and Yemen! Will the Pentagon attack Iran?

6 months ago

 After frame-up victims Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed in 1953, French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre wrote that the capitalist…

‘Keep Fighting’: Leonard Peltier’s message to supporters on 48 years since arrest

6 months ago

Leonard Peltier has been unjustly imprisoned for 48 years on Feb. 6. In this letter, he reflects on the anniversary…

Countries which aid Israel complicit in genocide – South Africa warns

6 months ago

Minister Naledi Pandor says all states have a legal obligation to ensure respect for the provisional measures, and not be…