Repression used to cover up Tulane’s University’s role in stealing Gaza’s natural gas

8 months ago

On Oct. 26, hundreds of students — as many as half of them Jewish — held a strong rally against…

Puerto Rico: Organizaciones de base defienden al pueblo

8 months ago

En Puerto Rico se podría decir que sobrevivimos a pesar de un gobierno local que en nada le interesa el…

PFLP: Biden gives green light to renewed Israeli aggression in Gaza

8 months ago

Dec. 1 — The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) holds the American administration and the war criminal,…

Capitalist climate crisis: Fossil fuel industries seizes helm of COP28

8 months ago

 Delegates from around the world are gathered in Dubai preparing for the opening of the 28th annual Conference Of…

‘Palestine must be free’: Mahtowin Munro on settler colonialism

8 months ago

Talk by Mahtowin Munro, co-leader of United American Indians of New England (UAINE), at the National Day of Mourning in…

‘This is our struggle’: Palestinian activist at National Day of Mourning

8 months ago

Talk by Palestinian activist Salma Abu Ayyash at the National Day of Mourning in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on Nov. 21. I…

United Auto Workers call for ceasefire in Gaza

8 months ago

The United Auto Workers, one of the largest unions in North America, added its voice to the global call for…

John Parker, other Gaza solidarity activists detained in Cairo, Egypt

8 months ago

Nov. 30 — John Parker, a candidate for California’s 37th congressional district, is being detained by the Egyptian National Security…

Global Conscience Convoy confronts heartless U.S. Embassy officials in Cairo

8 months ago

Cairo, Nov. 29 — On Monday, U.S. participants who are part of the Global Conscience Convoy went to a scheduled…

Saludo a los periodistas de Al Mayadeen

8 months ago

Todas y todos los integrantes del periódico La Lucha por el Socialismo-Struggle for Socialism basado en los Estados Unidos, nos…