Struggle - La Lucha

Webinar: Defending Black Lives & Activists Under Attack, Oct. 25

Sunday, October 25, 2020 at 4:00 PM EDT Register here: Defend Black lives! Defend activists and organizers under attack!…

4 years ago

Brooklyn: Rally against Zimbabwe sanctions, Oct. 18

Join the December 12th Movement and Friends of Zimbabwe Sunday, October 18, 2020 1 pm Rally Against Zimbabwe Sanctions Music,…

4 years ago

Protest for a Peoples Mandate – Occupy the Streets if the Election is Stolen

Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 10:00 AM EST Join us on November 4, to defend our rights; continue the struggle…

4 years ago

Atlanta: Rally for Rayshard Brooks, Oct. 17

Rally for Rayshard Brooks Saturday, October 17 – 3:00 p.m. City Hall, Atlanta, Georgia Sleep-In Activists for the Rayshard Brooks…

4 years ago

Washington D.C.: Abolish Columbus Day – Honor Indigenous Peoples Day instead! Oct. 17

Abolish Columbus Day Honor Indigenous Peoples Day instead! Sat. October 17 - 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. Malcolm X Park…

4 years ago

Struggle ★ La Lucha PDF – Oct. 12, 2020

Get PDF here The wolf is at the door: Mobilize workers against a stolen election El lobo está en la…

4 years ago

Oppression and Resistance: Palestine Fights for Liberation, Oct. 17

Palestine fights back! Anti-Palestinian repression in the United States and Europe is escalating - but Palestinian resistance is growing and…

4 years ago

Washington pushing to impose imperial will on Iran: Analyst

PressTV: Washington pushing to impose imperial will on Iran: Analyst  Writer and activist Cheryl LaBash says the United States is…

4 years ago

Nov. 4: 50th anniversary of Black Solidarity Day

Monday, November 4, 2019 will mark the 50th Anniversary of Black Solidarity Day. Our struggle for self-determination continues now. Political…

4 years ago

Minneapolis: Lock up killer cop Chauvin, Oct. 8

Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 7 PM EDT – 9 PM EDT Hennepin County Government Hosted by Black Lives Matter…

4 years ago