Struggle - La Lucha

North Americans call for cooperation with Cuba in #SavingLives Campaign

For immediate release April 29, 2020 ‘Why not in the U.S. and Canada?’ North Americans call for cooperation with Cuba…

4 years ago

New Orleans: May Day Car + Bike Rally

No reopening until it’s safe! Workers’ Safety Before Capitalist Profits! In the spirit of International Workers’ Day, or “May Day,”…

4 years ago

Condolence message on the passing of Father Lawrence Lucas

It is with heartfelt sympathy that we send our condolences on the passing of Father Lawrence Lucas, one of the…

4 years ago

Webinar & class: Lenin, Thinker & Fighter

Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT Everywhere 2 pm West Coast, 4 pm Central, 5…

4 years ago

Friday April 24th Teach-in – Rise Up Resist – Mumia’s 66th Birthday

Long Distance Revolutionary Mumia Abu- Jamal's 66th Birthday Teach-In - Friday, April 24, 2020  6 to 9 PM Rise Up…

4 years ago

Baltimore April 18: Caravan for prisoners and detainees

Saturday, April 18, 2020 On Facebook

4 years ago

May Day Strike – don’t die for Trump, bankers and billionaires

No work, No rent, No shopping! May Day General Strike PLEASE POST & INVITE EVERYONE! Workers and community groups across…

4 years ago

ICAP message to the World Movement of Solidarity with Cuba in the time of Covid19 #BlockadeNoSolidarityYes

Havana, 9 April, 2020 To the World Movement of Solidarity with Cuba. Dear friends, With deep humanistic conviction, the government…

4 years ago

Mensaje del ICAP al Movimiento de Solidaridad con Cuba en tiempos de Covid19 #BloqueoNoSolidaridadSi

Estimados amigos y amigas: Con profunda convicción humanista, el gobierno y pueblo de Cuba ofrecen al mundo, una vez más,…

4 years ago