Around the world

Niger: Old Europe on trial

Gold, silicon, oil (reserves estimated at 2 billion barrels), and above all, uranium are essential for both French nuclear power plants…

11 months ago

Thousands rally in support of Niger’s coup leaders as Western-backed ECOWAS threatens military intervention

The military junta which took power in Niger last week warned on Monday, July 31 that France might militarily intervene with authorization from…

12 months ago

African states support Niger sovereignty in the face of imperialist attack and collusion of stooge African governments

Reaction to the coup in Niger is a litmus test which determines who is truly supportive of self-determination for African nations.…

12 months ago

Chronicle of the third seizure of Lima

In total more than 100 thousand people mobilized throughout the country, calling for the resignation of the coup leader Dina…

12 months ago

Africa is burning! DRC In environmental crisis

“No matter what they say now about highways and hospitals and penicillin, whatever was done in those colonies was not…

12 months ago

Filipinos say NO! to dictatorship and economic misery

More than a hundred Filipinos and their allies rallied outside the Philippines consulate in New York City on July 23.…

12 months ago

Solidarity in New York with the people of Peru

Twenty thousand people marched into Lima, the capital of Peru on July 19. They are demanding an end to the…

12 months ago

Peru: Social movements demand resignation of unelected president

The National Unitary Coordination Platform of Struggle (CNUL), composed of several Peruvian social movements, called for a new march on…

12 months ago

The next aggression that the U.S. is preparing against Venezuela

This year, the legislative arm in Washington has introduced three bills in the U.S. Congress against Venezuela: the Prohibition of…

12 months ago

Solidarity statement for Philippines People’s State of the Nation Address

The people of this country are familiar with a presidential address. And like the people of the Philippines, we know…

12 months ago