Around the world

Not-so-soft coups and the use of blackouts in Honduras

These days, we are entering a new phase in Honduras in the attempt of the right to provoke a color…

1 year ago

Why Europe, U.S., China and Russia are not the same for Latin America

For some time, I have been listening to a sector, supposedly on the left, say that they do not want…

1 year ago

Honduras: Expose right-wing attacks against the people

The recalcitrant Honduran right wing is enraged at the country's new diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and…

1 year ago

In Haiti, ‘gang warfare’ is a cover for imperialist intervention

Interview by Gary Grass and Babette Grunow of Grass is Greener WXRW River West 104.1 FM Milwaukee with Robert…

1 year ago

Trump boasts he wanted to take Venezuela’s oil after overthrowing its government

Former U.S. President Donald Trump boasted at a Republican Party rally that he wanted to “take over” Venezuela and “we…

1 year ago

Xiomara Castro arrives in China for historic 6-day visit

Honduran President Xiomara Castro has arrived in China on Friday, starting what is called by both sides a “historic visit.”…

1 year ago

Honduras: Psychological operations against Xiomara Castro’s government

The right-wing wars in Latin America are waged, to a great extent in the minds of people, especially those who…

1 year ago

Maduro’s historic meeting with Lula in Brazil is a step forward for all of Latin America

Yesterday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Brazilian leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva shook hands again after eight years since…

1 year ago

Approval of U.S. troops to train Peruvian armed forces proves U.S. behind coup

U.S. SOUTHCOM is strengthening ties with Peru's coup government by training that country's military and police force. National Strike, Day…

1 year ago

What led to Imran Khan’s arrest and the political crisis in Pakistan?

Taimur Rahman of the Mazdoor Kisan Party explains the current political crisis in Pakistan, where mass protests have broken out…

1 year ago