Around the world

Neruda was assassinated with a biological weapon, nephew denounces

Rodolfo Reyes, a lawyer, and nephew of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, charged on Tuesday that the reports from two laboratories…

1 year ago

Hundreds of thousands take to the streets of Madrid in defense of public health care

A group of pensioners chanted, “Cutting back on health care is a criminal act,” during the demonstration in Madrid in…

1 year ago

U.S. troops out of the Philippines!

Filipinos and their supporters protested the Pentagon's war buildup in the Philippines on Feb. 11 in New York City. People…

1 year ago

Airforce spent millions to shoot down a U.S. weather balloon

February 11 — Yesterday, the U.S. airforce shot down another weather balloon: The Pentagon said it shot down an unidentified object…

1 year ago

French workers’ movement debates general strike to beat Macron

Demonstrations in a record number of towns – over 260 – took place last Saturday, 11 February. This was the…

1 year ago

Ninety years since Hitler took power

German working class supported socialism. How did the Nazis crush them? Ninety years ago, on Jan. 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler…

1 year ago

South Africa’s National Union of Metalworkers will join call for Mumia’s freedom

ILWU attends South African Conference commemorating the 1973 Durban strikes Representatives from the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) gathered…

1 year ago

Turkey-Syria earthquake catastrophe needs global cooperation, not U.S. sanctions

February 9 — The death toll from the unprecedented scale of the 7.8-magnitude quake that hit Turkey and Syria is…

1 year ago

Sanctions imposed by U.S. and allies hamper relief and rescue work in earthquake-devastated Syria

The head of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, Khaled Hboubati, demanded on Tuesday, February 7, that Western countries, specifically the…

1 year ago

The people of France continue to denounce pension reform

On February 7, while the French National Assembly was debating the controversial pension reforms proposed by the Emmanuel Macron-led government,…

1 year ago