Around the world

Class struggles and economic inequality: Modi’s BJP faces major setback in Indian elections

 In capitalist countries, free elections are said to be an expression of democracy, meaning that the people select their…

1 month ago

Major war maneuvers in Europe under U.S. command

Western countries are turning up the pressure a notch. They have just given Ukraine the green light to use their…

1 month ago

Tribunal finds U.S. and Philippine leaders guilty of war crimes

 Following a hearing on May 17-18, the International People’s Tribunal on War Crimes in the Philippines found Philippine President…

2 months ago

Kanak people resist French colonial rule in New Caledonia

 French propaganda echoed in U.S. corporate media recalls Malcolm X’s famous words: “If you're not careful, the newspapers will…

2 months ago

‘No!’ to another foreign military occupation of Haiti

Since 1806, the Haitian ruling classes have always associated themselves with the former slave-owning powers to maintain neocolonialism over the…

2 months ago

Hybrid wars in Latin America

Between June 13 and 15, the G7 Leaders Summit, the organization responsible for the neocolonial and financialist policies implemented at…

2 months ago

Nicaragua’s Day of National Dignity marked

 Washington, D.C. – On May 4, the Embassy of Nicaragua, along with the Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition, held an event…

2 months ago

Socialist Korea exposes U.S. military strategy in the Pacific

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the official news agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), published two…

2 months ago

All eyes on Rafah: Palestinian factions urge popular mobilization to stop genocide

May 7: The actions of the "israeli" occupation forces in launching a ground assault on Rafah, occupying and destroying the…

2 months ago

Assault on Mexican Embassy in Ecuador was designed in Washington

According to sources based in Washington, on condition of anonymity, the Ecuadorian government’s assault on the Mexican Embassy in Quito…

2 months ago