Around the world

The role of the Brazilian military in the coup attempt

The far-right mob that invaded the federal building, Congress, and the Supreme Court and vandalized government buildings at Three Powers Plaza in Brasília on…

1 year ago

Top U.S. Marine Corps commander in Japan says Pentagon preparing for war with China

The United States is now publicly discussing the "containment" of China with its Asia-Pacific vassals. On January 8, the Financial Times…

1 year ago

Peru: Changing the rules of the game

“America for the Americans,” is the phrase with which Pedro Castillo closed his speech at the Summit of the Americas…

1 year ago

World’s richest 1% captured over 63% of all wealth created since 2020: Oxfam

The world’s richest 1% captured over two-thirds of all wealth created by humanity since 2020, leaving just one-third for the…

1 year ago

France set for ‘Black Thursday’ nationwide strike over pension reforms

Massive mayhem is ahead in France, as unions and protesters call for a "Black Thursday" countrywide strike over the government's pension…

1 year ago

Lula: In the face of the coup and the importance of popular mobilization

The attempted fascist Bolsonarist coup d’état of January 8 in Brasilia is not merely a local event. Everything indicates that…

2 years ago

Thousands march in Paris over rising prices, pension reform

Thousands of people hit the streets of the French capital Paris on Jan. 7 as they demonstrated against President Emmanuel…

2 years ago

Peruvian security forces massacre 17 protesters in Juliaca, Puno

On Monday, January 9, Peruvian security forces brutally repressed an anti-government protest in Juliaca, a city in southern Peru’s Puno…

2 years ago

Peru: Juliaca massacre death toll rises to 17

January 10 — Peru’s human rights ombudsman has confirmed that the death toll from last night’s massacre in Juliaca has…

2 years ago

Lula inspects damage caused by Bolsonarists in Brasilia

He described the coup attempt promoted by "fascist vandals" as "barbaric" and accused Jair Bolsonaro of "stimulating" these anti-democratic acts…

2 years ago