Around the world

Morocco drives a war in Western Sahara for its phosphates

In November 2020, the Moroccan government sent its military to the Guerguerat area, a buffer zone between the territory claimed by the…

2 years ago

Aafia Siddiqui, political prisoner

The media coverage of the hostage-taking at a synagogue in Texas has been predictably hysterical, Islamophobic and inaccurate about Aafia Siddiqui,…

2 years ago

Are Western wealthy countries determined to starve the people of Afghanistan?

On January 11, 2022, the United Nations (UN) Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths appealed to the international community to help…

3 years ago

‘U.S. claims of Russian threat to Ukraine are groundless’

  The following interview with Struggle-La Lucha co-editor Greg Butterfield was originally published by the website Dmitry Strauss: Greg,…

3 years ago

Los Angeles rally backs South Korean workers’ struggle

In Los Angeles Jan. 8, progressive Korean American groups and allies rallied in solidarity with the Korean Confederation of Trade…

3 years ago

‘Hey, hey, USA! How many bombs did you drop today?’

The Pentagon has finally published its first Airpower Summary since President Biden took office nearly a year ago. These monthly…

3 years ago

Why Kazakhstan exploded

What is happening now in Kazakhstan, a popular uprising or another "color revolution"? At the moment, users of Ukrainian social…

3 years ago

Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan calls for international solidarity

In a statement about the large-scale mobilizations and protests in the former Soviet republic, the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan calls…

3 years ago

Right-wing hate speech runs rampant in India’s elections

A bizarre event took place in northern India between December 17 and December 19, 2021. It was a “religious parliament”…

3 years ago

‘We are still living in the shadow of the defeat of the USSR’

The following interview with Struggle-La Lucha co-editor Greg Butterfield was originally published by the website as part of a…

3 years ago