Around the world

Destruction of the Soviet Union: a crime without statute of limitations

Statement of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the United Communist Party of Russia (OKP) in connection with the…

3 years ago

No support for Ukrainian Rittenhouses! Hands off Donbass, Belarus and Russia

Why is President Joe Biden’s administration laser-focused on threatening war on the other side of the world, when the people…

3 years ago

U.S. hands off Ethiopia and Eritrea

In more than 50 cities in the United States and hundreds around the world, marchers rallied on Nov. 21 to…

3 years ago

Honduras said enough and opened its doors to new hope

Honduras went to the polls last Sunday amid a process of historic importance. People flocked to the polling stations, despite…

3 years ago

Alarm bells over the Donbass

Alarm bells have been ringing in recent weeks over the threat of a new full-scale war in the Donbass, with…

3 years ago

The Indian farmers defend the rights of farmers everywhere

On November 19, 2021, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “[W]e have decided to repeal all three agricultural laws.” The prime…

3 years ago

The high stakes of the U.S.-Russia confrontation over Ukraine

A report in Covert Action Magazine from the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic in Eastern Ukraine describes grave fears of a…

3 years ago

After a year of struggle by farmers, Indian government forced to withdraw farm laws

After fighting for almost a year, farmers in India finally won a victory against the three farms laws enacted by…

3 years ago

U.S. charges against Russia about space are the height of hypocrisy

The U.S. charge that Russia is polluting space with orbital debris is the height of hypocrisy, according to political analyst…

3 years ago

Solidarity with refugees at Poland/Belarus border! Stop U.S.-NATO military threats and sanctions!

The U.S. and its European allies are deliberately inflaming a dangerous situation on the border of Poland and Belarus. Thousands…

3 years ago