Around the world

NATO abuses refugees, threatens to ignite war on Poland/Belarus border

Nov. 11 — The U.S. and its European allies are staging a dangerous provocation at the border between Poland and Belarus,…

3 years ago

Philippines: Long live the memory of Ka Oris!

Nov. 6 — Yet another hero of the oppressed, of the proletariat and peasantry, has been taken away from us…

3 years ago

The Haitian people need a true rupture

Most of Haiti’s traditional politicians have taken completely erroneous positions on how to deal with the dramatic insecurity problem that…

3 years ago

Ecuador’s neoliberal government announces state emergency to impose austerity

On October 18, 2021, Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency for 60 days. This declaration led to the constitutional…

3 years ago

12 years after coup, Honduran resistance fights for fair election

Twelve years have passed since the fateful 2009 coup in Honduras by the oligarchy, private companies and the leaders of…

3 years ago

Nicaragua stands up to U.S. election interference

On Sunday, Nov. 7, voters in Nicaragua will go to the polls in elections for president, vice president and National…

3 years ago

NYC rally demands: End sanctions on Zimbabwe

Oct. 25 is Zimbabwe Anti-Sanctions Day. That day was marked in New York City by the December 12th Movement, which…

3 years ago

The memory of Ka Oris will live forever

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the National Operational Command of the New People’s…

3 years ago

Expropriate the landlords! – PDF

From the pages of Struggle ★ La Lucha. Get the PDF here 8.5 x 11 flyer 11 x 17 brochure

3 years ago

Berlin voters say: Expropriate the landlords!

Renters around the world should watch developments in Germany’s capital city, Berlin. Housing activists there achieved a tremendous breakthrough by…

3 years ago