Around the world

The Horn of Africa against imperialism

Horn of Africa Pan Africans for Liberation and Solidary (HOA PALS) understands the Horn as Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, South Sudan,…

3 years ago

U.S. empire drags Lebanon towards civil war

Seven people were killed on Thursday in Lebanon, as an unarmed protest was ambushed by snipers in a Beirut suburb.…

3 years ago

How Washington suppresses free speech from Ukraine to Iraq

President Zelensky promised to plant a billion trees in Ukraine. The "servant of the people" lied to the people, as…

3 years ago

The plundering genocide against the Indigenous population of the Americas

According to Marx, “The discovery of the gold and silver deposits of America, the extermination, enslavement and burial in the…

3 years ago

Afghanistan tackles the Islamic State

On October 8, a terrible blast struck the worshippers attending Friday noon prayers at the Gozar-e-Sayed Abad Mosque in the Khan Abad…

3 years ago

Haitian activists: ‘Joe Biden, shame on you!’

Oct. 8 ― Haitian activists and their supporters demonstrated today in New York City against the deportations of Haitian people.…

3 years ago

U.S. defeat in Afghanistan provokes war in Washington

Twenty years have passed since the George W. Bush regime launched its so-called “war on terror.” U.S. troops have left…

3 years ago

AFRICOM: An extension of U.S.-European colonialism and genocide

In 2007, the George W. Bush administration inaugurated the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) to further the influence of the…

3 years ago

Russian communists face repression after Duma elections

Oct. 6 — Since late September, a wave of arrests and detentions has hit communists, socialists and other progressive forces…

3 years ago

Moldovan political prisoners exonerated after six-year battle

  An important people’s victory has been won in the small but strategic eastern European country of Moldova. After six…

3 years ago