Around the world

Los Angeles protest: Peru’s will must be respected!

On August 26, Peru Libre — the Free Peru national political party – organized a demonstration in the Koreatown neighborhood…

3 years ago

Tears of empire

It happened with a suddenness that was stunning. The Taliban taking town by town, village by village, province by province…

3 years ago

New Orleans marches against U.S. imperialism

On Aug. 21, New Orleanians marched against U.S. imperialism, “from Kabul to the Caribbean,” as stated in the announcement. The…

3 years ago

Philippines: Revolutionary artist Parts Bagani murdered in police and military raid

The art of Parts Bagani is world-renowned, undeniably distinct, and always in service of the masses. Spend enough time among…

3 years ago

Peru: Héctor Béjar’s resignation, ‘The President and the government put themselves hostage to the military’

The government of Pedro Castillo has suffered its first defeat, by yielding to the pressures of the right-wing coup and…

3 years ago

Afghan resistance ends U.S. occupation

The long and brutal U.S. imperialist war in Afghanistan is coming to a chaotic, inglorious end. For 20 years, the…

3 years ago

Washington spent more than $2 trillion on a war that it knew could not be won

On August 15, the Taliban arrived in Kabul. The Taliban’s leadership entered the presidential palace, which Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had vacated…

3 years ago

Haiti needs aid not intervention!

Stop the deportations! Over 1,400 people were killed by the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti Aug. 14. Thousands more…

3 years ago

Sports sovereignty in Puerto Rico

Translated by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews. A few days ago, athlete Jasmine Camacho-Quinn won a gold medal for PR in…

3 years ago

Why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were incinerated

Barack Obama visited Hiroshima on May 27, 2016, the first sitting U.S. president to do so. Obama’s visit to the…

3 years ago