Around the world

Protest at Philippine Embassy exposes U.S. role in repression

  Washington, D.C. — About 50 Filipino-American activists and solidarity allies throughout the metropolitan area staged a protest and program…

3 years ago

Peru: A president-elect, non-existent fraud, a fractured country

Pedro Castillo won the elections in Peru, but has not yet been declared president. Keiko Fujimori seeks to disavow the…

3 years ago

Who’s Behind the Coup in Peru?

Pedro Castillo of the Perú Libre party has already begun to receive congratulations from around the world. It is beyond…

3 years ago

Fanmi Lavalas condemns the PHTK death squad government in Haiti

Haiti Action Committee is honored to publish this statement from Fanmi Lavalas, the people’s party in Haiti. The statement was…

3 years ago

Pedro Castillo: The man from Peru made invisible

Peru is experiencing a historic moment. Pedro Castillo, a man from the invisible country, rural, poor, with a white hat…

3 years ago

AFRICOM military’s exercise: The art of creating new pretexts for propagating U.S. interests

Phoenix Express 2021 (PE21), a 12-day U.S.-Africa Command (AFRICOM)-sponsored military exercise involving 13 states in the Mediterranean Sea, concluded on…

3 years ago

Puerto Rico unions close ranks against LUMA Energy

June 1 — Union organizations today warned Gov. Pedro Pierluisi and the Financial Oversight and Management Board that they will…

3 years ago

Germany must pay reparations to Africa

May 31 — Members of the December 12th Movement held a news conference today in front of the German mission…

3 years ago

‘No limits’: U.S.-Greek military ties threaten region

Presentation at online forum “The New U.S. Aggression, Turkish-Greek Relations and the Popular Movement,” hosted by Coordination of Action and…

3 years ago

Mali is just the latest: U.S. Africa Command trained troops behind at least seven coups in 13 years

While the U.S. Army School of the Americas is infamous for training right-wing guerrilla forces across Latin America, less well-known…

3 years ago