Around the world

Haiti demands freedom

Haitian people and their supporters demonstrated around the world against the U.S.-imposed regime of Jovenel Moïse. Thousands marched in Haiti…

3 years ago

Despite U.S. dirty tricks, Bolivia is finding a way to stay independent

Sentiments in Bolivia for and against the coup d’etat of November 2019 are predictably along class lines. Those from more…

3 years ago

Protest marks 18th anniversary of U.S. invasion of Iraq

Chants of “No more bombing, no more sanctions, no more regime change, no more war!” rang out in New York’s…

3 years ago

Remembrance of the 1976 military coup in Argentina

March 24, 2021, marks the 45th anniversary of the bloody military coup in Argentina that killed tens of thousands, particularly…

3 years ago

Erdoğan starts a political earthquake in Turkey

Significant developments are underway in Turkey. Most ominously, the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of the Justice and Development…

3 years ago

Bolivia’s coup-plotting President Jeanine Añez to face justice

Jeanine Añez became the leader of Bolivia’s coup-born regime in the blink of an eye on November 12, 2019. She proclaimed…

3 years ago

New York protest condemns massacre in Philippines

Chanting “Activism is not a crime!” and “Long live international solidarity!,” a rally outside the Philippine Consulate on New York’s…

3 years ago

Militarization of Colombia is a key aspect of U.S. hemispheric control

Colombia has historically been of great importance as an ally of the United States. It could perhaps even be said…

3 years ago

Haiti: A day in the life of fighting dictatorship and neocolonialism

The day begins the night before. The cadre of hope dodge sleep and the police. Under the cover of night…

3 years ago

Condemn spate of state terrorist crimes in Southern Tagalog and Bicol regions in the Philippines

The Communist Party of the Philippines and all revolutionary forces condemn in the strongest terms the spate of extrajudicial killings…

3 years ago