Around the world

Turkey: People’s attorney Ebru Timtik dies on 238th day of hunger strike

Aug. 27 — Today, our comrade, a member of the People’s Law Office, Ebru Timtik, was martyred in the 238th…

4 years ago

Bolivia mass mobilizations against U.S.-backed coup continue

A 12-day national Bolivian blockade led by massive social movements, students, elders, unions and farmworkers ended on Aug. 13. It…

4 years ago

After tragic Beirut explosion: Imperialist vultures pounce on Lebanon

A powerful explosion ripped through the port of Beirut, Lebanon’s capital, on Aug. 4. At least 171 people have died…

4 years ago

Bolivian movements and trade unions propose to hold elections on October 11

On August 12, Bolivian social movements and trade unions, which have been mobilizing against postponement of general elections for the…

4 years ago

Condemn assassination of Philippines peasant leader Randall Echanis

Following is a statement from the Socialist Unity Party: We of the Socialist Unity Party and Struggle-La Lucha newspaper in…

4 years ago

Philippines: Condemn the cold-blooded murder of Randall Echanis by Duterte’s death squads

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns in the strongest terms the cold-blooded murder of Randall Echanis, Chairperson of…

4 years ago

Turkey: Hunger striking lawyers defy Erdoğan’s repression

Aug. 10 — The lives of political prisoners and people’s lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal hang in the balance…

4 years ago

U.S. crimes against humanity at home and abroad

This month marks the second year since former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, announced to the world a campaign promoted…

4 years ago

EE.UU: Crímenes contra la Humanidad en casa y en el extranjero

8 de Agosto, 2020 Desde el año 2017 se lleva a cabo una campaña mundial promovida por un grupo de…

4 years ago

Beirut explosion: Lebanese Communist Party requests a prompt investigation

August 5 — A massive explosion rocked Lebanon's capital city, Beirut, on Tuesday, killing dozens of people, injuring thousands and…

4 years ago