Around the world

The West is still afraid of Black Haitians

At the beginning of March 2024, before the CELAC Heads of State meeting in Kingstown (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines),…

4 months ago

Yugoslavia March 24, 1999, the founding war of the new NATO

Twenty-five years ago, NATO under U.S. command demolished through war what remained of the Yugoslav Federation, the State that stood…

4 months ago

This is not ISIS – Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief on Moscow concert hall attack

Ukraine and the West have resorted to false flag operations to persuade everyone that ISIS* was behind the terror attack…

4 months ago

Is former de facto Haiti Prime Minister Ariel Henry now a de facto prisoner?

In U.S. custody at the Army’s Fort Buchanan in Puerto Rico Ariel Henry, 74, once the king on Haiti’s chessboard,…

4 months ago

Why has Niger declared U.S. military presence in its territory illegal?

Niger declared the U.S. military deployment in its territory “illegal” on Saturday, March 16, after a U.S. delegation allegedly threatened…

4 months ago

Venezuela’s election in the crosshairs of new U.S. regime change scheme

Twenty-five years after Hugo Chávez took office and began the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, U.S. officials have still not tired…

4 months ago

Haiti: Journey to the heart of the anti-Ariel Henry mobilization, part 2

Part 2 It’s undeniable that Ariel Henry’s days in power in Haiti are numbered. As we write the second part…

4 months ago

Haiti: Journey to the heart of the anti-Ariel Henry mobilization, part 1

Part 1 The Head of the Transition, Ariel Henry, is in Guyana for the 46th Ordinary Session of the Heads…

4 months ago

Venezuela denounces U.S.-based smear campaign against migrants

On Feb. 21, Venezuela's Communication Minister, Alfred Nazareth, denounced a smear campaign generated by U.S.-based media and networks against Venezuelan…

5 months ago

Haiti still smoldering: Carnaval fizzles after uprising flops, as skirmishes continue

Despite three days of nationwide demonstrations, barricades, and street fighting, Haiti’s de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry still clings to…

5 months ago