Around the world

On the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, fascism and the triumph of revolution

Over the past two weeks, the global working-class community has observed several anniversaries dating back to World War II. These…

4 years ago

Urgent call for internationalist solidarity with Chilean people’s struggle

To the social and popular organizations, to the workers and intellectuals of Our America: It’s been three months since the…

4 years ago

New election date announced in Bolivia amidst persecution and threats

Bolivians will return to the polls on May 3, almost six months after former President Evo Morales was ousted in…

4 years ago

Bolivia: Naked fascism

Bolivia’s de facto government does not even try to hide its anti-people, racist and repressive character. The coup power headed…

4 years ago

India, France, Puerto Rico: Corporate media hide general strikes from U.S. workers

Around the world, people are walking off the job in huge numbers, withholding their labor power to protest government attacks…

4 years ago

Britain: Capitalist decay and the Tories’ temporary victory

Behind Boris Johnson's victory in the recent British elections are decades of capitalist decay. It's hollowed out the British economy…

5 years ago

Russia’s Anti-Imperialist Marathon: ‘We have much to learn from each other’

On Dec. 8, 2019, activists in Moscow organized an event called the Anti-Imperialist Marathon, which broadcast live for over four…

5 years ago

New Years greetings from No Pasarán Hamburg

To the comrades at Struggle-La Lucha and the Socialist Unity Party/Partido de Socialismo Unido, We were happy to receive your…

5 years ago

U.S tech giants back India’s Hindu nationalist prime minister

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are weaponizing India’s digital communications industry with the goal of…

5 years ago

After British election, urgent need for fight against racism

The Dec. 12 British election was a contest between the reactionary, arch-racist Boris Johnson of the Conservative (Tory) Party and…

5 years ago