Around the world

International Human Rights Day actions condemn U.S. crimes

On Dec. 4, 1950, the United Nations General Assembly formally established International Human Rights Day. This day was to be…

5 years ago

Bolivia’s free territory of Chapare ousted coup regime, braces for bloody re-invasion

Cochabamba, Bolivia — Known as Bolivia’s Chapare region, the Tropico of Cochabamba is a sanctuary for elected President Evo Morales’…

5 years ago

Masivas protestas se oponen a agenda anti musulmana de gobierno indio

Masivas protestas están estallando en toda la India tras la aprobación el 11 de diciembre del Proyecto de Ley de…

5 years ago

Indian government’s anti-Muslim agenda opposed by massive protests

Massive protests are erupting throughout India following the passage of the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) on Dec. 11. The legislation…

5 years ago

Monopoly profits fuel U.S. maneuvers in Southwest Asia

Part 1: Syria, Yemen, Palestine: Trump talks peace, escalates war Trump called an Oct. 27 press conference to brag about…

5 years ago

Bolivia resists racist coup

On Nov. 19, the tenth day of the coup against legitimate, democratically elected Bolivian President Evo Morales, police and soldiers…

5 years ago

Lula livre! Struggle wins freedom of former Brazilian president

After 580 days, one of the most famous political prisoners on the planet, former Brazilian President Luis Inácio Lula Da…

5 years ago

Syria, Yemen, Palestine: Trump talks peace, escalates war

Donald Trump tweeted some rare truth last month about the horrible cost of Washington’s “endless wars” in Southwest Asia (“the…

5 years ago

Bolivians bravely fight back against coup: ‘We are going to resist until the last’

It has been five days since the violent, racist coup d’état forced the resignation of President Evo Morales and Vice-president…

5 years ago

Massive Anti-Coup Protests Explode Across Bolivia

Chanting "resign now" to Bolivia's interim, self-declared president Jeanine Añez, protesters across the Latin American country on Friday made their…

5 years ago