Around the world

Levantamiento catalán expone fraudulenta democracia española

Las protestas militantes estallaron en Barcelona y otras ciudades de Cataluña, una región colonizada del estado español, después de que…

5 years ago

Class war rages across South America

On Oct. 20, Sebastián Piñera, the right-wing president of Chile, declared: “We are at war with a powerful, relentless enemy…

5 years ago

‘Solidarity with the struggle for a more just Chile’

Statement on the situation in Chile The Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity expresses its…

5 years ago

‘Solidaridad con la lucha por lograr un Chile más justo’

Declaración por la situación que se vive en Chile La Red de Intelectuales, Artistas y Movimientos Sociales en Defensa de…

5 years ago

Chileans defy curfew, state of emergency and continue their resistance

On Monday, tens of thousands of people took part in a massive national strike against the repression of protesters by…

5 years ago

Ecuador’s people have a won a victory but government repression continues

Following 12 days of massive protests, the government of Lenín Moreno repealed Decree 883 which formalized neoliberal reforms. At the…

5 years ago

All occupying foreign forces out of Syria! Defend Syria’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity

U.S. Peace Council statement on Turkish incursion into Syria The U.S. Peace Council strongly condemns the illegal incursion of the…

5 years ago

Success and joy as IMF agreement in Ecuador is revoked after days of resistance

October 14 — Sunday night all of Ecuador turned into a celebration when authorities announced that Decree 883 that eliminated…

5 years ago

Ecuador is a Time Bomb: How long will the crisis last?

October 11 — The Lenin Moreno Administration informed they would not retract its economic adjustment measures. The indigenous movement said they…

5 years ago

Moreno declares curfew and militarization of Quito, Ecuador

Repression against protesters continues and will likely intensify with the decree of the curfew and militarization in Quito On October…

5 years ago