Around the world

Haiti gripped by protests

  After 15 years of a military occupation of Haiti, the United Nations “peacekeeping” force will close operations on Oct.15. …

5 years ago

Defying repression, tens of thousands of Ecuadorians take part in national strike

On October 9, the people of Ecuador took part in a massive national strike called by a number of organizations…

5 years ago

Communist Party of Turkey: ‘Hands off Syria!’

Statement issued by the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP). HANDS OFF SYRIA! [Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's party] AKP is…

5 years ago

Ecuadorians mobilize against the ‘big package’ of Moreno and the IMF

Those who believe that class struggle is a matter of the past are wrong.  The economic elites of Ecuador, through…

5 years ago

Los crímenes de Biden — y de Trump — en Ucrania

Mientras el presidente de Estados Unidos Donald Trump pronunciaba un belicoso discurso ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas…

5 years ago

Washington protest says: Don’t support Colombia repression with tourism

On Sept. 27, activists demonstrated outside the Colombian Embassy in Washington, D.C. The picket line denounced the violent regime of…

5 years ago

Demand to end illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe intensifies

During the opening of the United Nations General Assembly this week, the United States came under fire. “U.S. imperialist economic…

5 years ago

Biden’s crimes in Ukraine — and Trump’s

As U.S. President Donald Trump gave a bellicose speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 24, attacking Iran,…

5 years ago

Long live the memory of Robert Mugabe!

New York — Hundreds came to Harlem's All Souls Episcopal Church on Sept. 17 to pay tribute to the late…

5 years ago

Women miners honored on Day of Liberation of Donbass

On Sept. 8, 1943, the Soviet Red Army liberated the city of Stalino, today known as Donetsk, from Nazi occupation.…

5 years ago