Around the world

Putin debunks Tucker Carlson’s warmongering anti-China propaganda, mocks his CIA ties

The U.S. TV host Tucker Carlson set off a political scandal by traveling to Moscow this February to interview Russian…

5 months ago

Venezuela rejects new ExxonMobil oil wells in Essequibo, ramped-up U.S. military aid

Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez has strongly criticized the expansion of US corporation Exxon Mobil’s oil exploration in the territorial…

5 months ago

Pakistan’s misery continues

Pakistan has a general election on 8 February. It will decide on the next government of the world’s fifth-most populous…

5 months ago

‘We will fight in the streets of Nairobi for our brothers and sisters in Haiti’

Despite the prohibition by Kenya’s High Court, President William Ruto has vowed to deploy policemen within this week to Haiti.…

5 months ago

Washington announces sanction resumption against Venezuela, Caracas responds (+migrant repatriations)

Caracas (—The United States government confirmed that it will not renew the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) License…

5 months ago

Maude Leblanc, Haïti Progrès’ director, has died

Marie Maude Leblanc, the longest-serving member of the socialist weekly Haïti Progrès, died of lung and brain cancer on Jan.…

6 months ago

Argentina: More than a million and a half people hit the streets against Milei’s ‘adjustment’

The general strike against the austerity measures and the Omnibus Law was strongly felt throughout the country yesterday.  Although the…

6 months ago

Argentina: Milei’s blitzkrieg and the unconstitutional plan

The rush to violate the Argentine Constitution and constitutional guarantees is part of a deliberately executed plan to carry out…

6 months ago

The U.S. military’s real intentions in Ecuador

History repeats itself. For centuries, the United States has sought ways to intervene in Latin America to strengthen its military…

6 months ago

75 years of Lao People’s Army

Celebrations are ongoing across the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, marking 75 years of the Lao People’s Army.  The army was…

6 months ago