Capitalist crisis

Food, trade and slumpflation

The latest measure of U.S. consumer price inflation for July actually showed an uptick in the year-on-year rate to 3.2%…

11 months ago

The new banking crisis

As Marxist economist Sam Williams discusses on his "Critique of Crisis Theory" blog, in early March, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in…

1 year ago

The capitalist crisis is just beginning

 Worldwide there is a "cost-of-living" crisis. Inflation is raging. Food prices are out of reach. Access to housing is…

1 year ago

The impending world recession

The IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva has now openly admitted that the year 2023 will witness the slowing down of…

1 year ago

High prices, low pay: a Marxist analysis of inflation

Based on remarks at the Socialist Unity Party national plenum on Aug. 13. The global working class is being hit…

2 years ago

Wages, prices and the minimum wage

Today the federal minimum wage is $7.25! Let that sad fact sink in. Right now you can barely buy a…

2 years ago

Capitalist profit drive fuels war, inflation, wage loss

 President Joe Biden used the phrase “Putin’s price hike” again in a reaction to the June 10 Consumer Price…

2 years ago

Dollar dominoes

Will Washington’s seizure of $300 billion Russian assets end domination of dollar as global currency? On Feb. 26, the U.S.…

2 years ago

Washington’s economic war on Russia (and Germany)

In February, President Joe Biden made it clear that the U.S./NATO military escalation in Europe was not about Ukraine. Since…

2 years ago

Biden gives Big Oil a win, gas prices going up

On Feb. 22, President Joe Biden announced new sanctions on Russia and on the company that built Nord Stream 2…

2 years ago