
The Cuban people will not be defeated

A gathering was held at the People’s Forum in New York City on July 26, the anniversary of the attack…

2 years ago

The legacy of Pastors for Peace support for Cuba continues

For the 32nd time in 30 years a Pastors for Peace caravan is in Cuba bringing close to 100 people including…

2 years ago

Cuba facing hybrid warfare

July 21 — Cuba must learn to live, advance and develop under the rigors of the fourth generation -or hybrid-…

2 years ago

Friendshipment Caravan tours 21 cities, set to travel to Cuba

July 14 — The 32nd Friendshipment Caravan of IFCO/Pastors for Peace will leave in several days for Cuba, bringing solidarity,…

2 years ago

Cuba’s solidarity with Africa and the Soviet Union

"When Africa called, Cuba answered" is a well-known and true description of how Cuba aided the African liberation struggle. The…

2 years ago

Cuba should be removed from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism

Cuba is not a state sponsor of terrorism but a state sponsor of global well-being.The United States maintains a list…

2 years ago

How Cuba is eradicating child mortality and banishing the diseases of the poor

To move from 59 infant deaths out of every 1,000 live births to no infant deaths in the matter of…

2 years ago

Cuba, Haiti, the Helms-Burton and the crime of insubordination

Haiti was the first free nation in Latin America and the Caribbean, the first nation in the modern world emerging…

2 years ago

Summit of the Americas: Imperialist domination and exclusion

Statement by the Revolutionary Government Havana, June 6th, 2022.- The US Government, abusing its privilege of being the host country,…

2 years ago

Families, plural

Recognizing the existence in Cuba of multiple family structures that break with the traditional model is among the most significant…

2 years ago