
July 26th became a movement: The Cuban masses make history

Today the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba is a museum and a school—fitting, given the Cuban Revolution’s well-known commitment…

3 years ago

Cuba: We are going to put heart into the common work!

Early on the morning of July 17, more than 100,000 people gathered at the Havana seawall to reaffirm their commitment…

3 years ago

Los Angeles: Groups protest U.S. intervention in Cuba and Haiti

Los Angeles -- An emergency protest by progressive organizations was held July 17 in solidarity with the people of Haiti…

3 years ago

Cuba’s freedom and Assata Shakur’s

For all of those saying that Cuba is not free, consider the freedom of our sister and former Black Panther…

3 years ago

Defending Cuba in New York City

Two hundred people came to Manhattan's Union Square on July 15 to defend the Cuban Revolution. They rejected the lies…

3 years ago

Cuba: We defend the Revolution, above all else

For 60 years the example of the Cuban Revolution has bothered the United States, stated First Secretary of the Communist…

3 years ago

Defend the Cuban Revolution! No U.S. intervention from Cuba to Haiti

On the weekend of July 10-11, a series of counter-revolutionary provocations took place in Cuba in the form of street…

3 years ago

Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity: Cuba wins and will continue to win!

In absolute unison with the revolutionary Cuban people, the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity (REDH) calls…

3 years ago

Cubans march in Havana in support of the government

Havana, July 11 (Prensa Latina) Cubans came out to march in Havana in support of the Government and the revolution…

3 years ago

Biden’s failure to end Trump’s war on Cuba is threatening lives

Imagine a country developing and producing its own Covid-19 vaccines, enough to cover its entire population, but being unable to…

3 years ago