
Zimbabwe-Cuba to build pharmaceutical plant

Cuba and Zimbabwe have set in motion a plan to set up a local state-of-the-art pharmaceutical plant, in a development…

3 years ago

I live proud to be a woman and to be Cuban

Adriana Pérez Oconor has been a chemical engineer since 1995. She currently works at the Food Industry Research Institute and…

3 years ago

The attack that never happened: Cuba and the U.S. fantasy of sonic attacks

They called it “sonic attacks,” “health incidents,” and “Havana syndrome.” In September 2017, the United States government decided to withdraw all nonessential…

3 years ago

Two victories in Cuba shape the world today

The Cuban Revolution was just two years old in 1961. Two victories won in that year, 60 years ago, laid…

3 years ago

Cuba’s Nasalferon protects against COVID-19

As early as April 24, 2020, information that nebulized interferon prevented COVID-19 infection and also produced better outcomes if administered…

3 years ago

In Cuba, ‘We remember Lenin as we remember Fidel’

Describing the October Revolution in Russia, John Reed, in the prologue of his extraordinary book “Ten Days that Shook the…

3 years ago

En Cuba, ‘Recordamos a Lenin como recordamos a Fidel’

Al describir los acontecimientos de la Revolución de Octubre, John Reed, en el prólogo de su extraordinaria obra Diez días…

3 years ago

Firm, absolute condemnation of fraudulent qualification of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism

Statement from Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs January 12, 2021 The Ministry of Foreign Relations of Cuba condemns in the…

4 years ago

Los Angeles car caravan says: ‘End the blockade of Cuba. Medical collaboration to fight COVID-19’

On Sunday, Dec. 27, Covid-stricken Californians filled Los Angeles hospitals. In response, an 18-car caravan showed support for Cuban families…

4 years ago

Traveling to Cuba in the time of COVID-19

Of course, by the time this small story is read, the conditions and procedures giving rise to these experiences will…

4 years ago