
Terrorism against Cuba is U.S. state policy

The United States government has been the main organizer and sponsor of terrorism in the world since the country’s emergence…

4 years ago

El terrorismo contra Cuba es la política del estado de EE. UU.

Estados Unidos ha sido el principal organizador y patrocinador del terrorismo en el mundo, desde su surgimiento como potencia con…

4 years ago

Cleveland City Council says: End U.S. blockade of Cuba

On July 1, the City Council of Cleveland in the state of Ohio unanimously adopted a resolution calling for “an…

4 years ago

Attack on Cuban embassy in Washington brings complicit silence from U.S. government

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla discussed the April 30 attack on the country’s embassy in Washington with the press,…

4 years ago

Answer attacks on Cuban Embassy with more solidarity — Cuba saves lives

Shots were fired at the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C., in the early hours of April 30. Cuban Foreign Minister…

4 years ago

North Americans call for cooperation with Cuba in #SavingLives Campaign

For immediate release April 29, 2020 ‘Why not in the U.S. and Canada?’ North Americans call for cooperation with Cuba…

4 years ago

Cuba’s COVID-19 medical brigades are not medical diplomacy — they are international solidarity at its finest

On April 26, the latest medical brigade from Cuba’s Henry Reeves contingent arrived in South Africa to join the front…

4 years ago

Cuba’s victory at Bay of Pigs made medical solidarity possible

Fifty-nine years ago, on April 17, 1961, Cuba defeated a U.S-backed invasion at the Bay of Pigs (Playa Girón). The…

4 years ago

ICAP message to the World Movement of Solidarity with Cuba in the time of Covid19 #BlockadeNoSolidarityYes

Havana, 9 April, 2020 To the World Movement of Solidarity with Cuba. Dear friends, With deep humanistic conviction, the government…

4 years ago

Mensaje del ICAP al Movimiento de Solidaridad con Cuba en tiempos de Covid19 #BloqueoNoSolidaridadSi

Estimados amigos y amigas: Con profunda convicción humanista, el gobierno y pueblo de Cuba ofrecen al mundo, una vez más,…

4 years ago