
‘Cuba no podrá ser intimidada’: Declaración de la Mision Permanente ante Naciones Unidas

Declaración de la Mision Permanente de Cuba ante Naciones Unidas El pasado 12 de septiembre, la Misión de los Estados…

5 years ago

Twitter Blocks Cuban Media: What are they Afraid Of?

Sept. 12 — For more than 60 years now, Cuba has been a victim of a brutal U.S. commercial, financial…

5 years ago

Venceremos Brigade — 50 years of solidarity

The 50th Venceremos Brigade to Cuba departed from Bayamo, capital of Granma Province, Aug. 8, on a sunny, warm, humid…

5 years ago

1199SEIU retiree says Cuban travel restrictions will reverse progress

A letter to the 1199 Magazine, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers, from an 1199 retiree. It was printed in the July/August…

5 years ago

On July 26, Cuba has a lot to Be Proud Of

Today marks the 66th anniversary of the simultaneous assaults on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba and the military…

5 years ago

November anti-imperialist solidarity conference in Cuba

Anti-imperialist Meeting of Solidarity, for Democracy and against Neoliberalism.Havana, November 1-3/2019.The Anti-imperialist Meeting of Solidarity, for Democracy and against Neoliberalism…

5 years ago

Beneath the eyes of Martí, in the heart of Washington

  On July 1, a new statue of Cuba’s national hero, the revolutionary thinker, fighter and anti-colonial strategist, José Martí,…

5 years ago

Bajo la mirada de Martí, en el corazón de Washington

  Fuente original: Minrex Desde la tarde del 1ro de julio de 2019, a cuatro años del anuncio del restablecimiento…

5 years ago

Women in Struggle condemns U.S. blockade of Cuba

From the United States itself, we demand the immediate end of the inhuman and criminal blockade that this government has…

5 years ago

Mujeres en Lucha condena el bloqueo de Estados Unidos a Cuba

Desde los mismos Estados Unidos, exigimos el fin inmediato del bloqueo inhumano y criminal que este gobierno ha impuesto a…

5 years ago