
Puerto Ricans demand: End the blockade of Cuba!

The Philadelphia-Camden Boricua Committee, composed of Puerto Ricans residing in this area of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, wants to state…

5 years ago

Los puertorriqueños demandan: ¡Terminar con el bloqueo de Cuba!

El Comité Boricua Filadelfia-Camden, compuesto de boricuas residentes en esta área de Pensilvania y Nueva Jersey, quiere expresarse sobre el…

5 years ago

Caravan to Cuba challenges U.S. blockade, travel restrictions

On June 5, Caribbean cruise ships that were headed to Havana or other Cuban ports of call abruptly changed course,…

5 years ago

Cuba is not intimidated by measures adopted to reinforce the blockade

The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba repudiates, in the strongest terms, measures announced by the United States government…

5 years ago

Cuba no se amedrenta ante medidas de reforzamiento del bloqueo

El Gobierno Revolucionario de la República de Cuba repudia en los términos más enérgicos las medidas anunciadas por el Gobierno…

5 years ago

Despite U.S. threats, Cuban workers celebrate defiant May Day

Havana, May 1 — “Unity, Commitment and Victory,” read the lead banner of Havana’s massive International Workers Day march. If…

5 years ago

The Cuban Revolution reiterates its resolute determination to confront the aggressive U.S. escalation, and prevail

Today, April 17, is the anniversary of the United State’s 1961 military invasion at Playa Girón. The Cuban people’s resolute…

5 years ago

U.S. military adventure against Venezuela must be stopped

Cuba condemns the U.S. government’s escalating preparations for a military adventure in Venezuela and calls on the international community to…

5 years ago

Declaración del Gobierno Revolucionario

Urge detener la aventura militar imperialista contra Venezuela El Gobierno Revolucionario de la República de Cuba denuncia la escalada de…

5 years ago

New York salutes Cuba

Two hundred people packed the People's Forum in midtown Manhattan on Feb. 8 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the…

5 years ago