
Hamas calls for a permanent ceasefire, Israeli withdrawal

Hamas sent a letter to the Palestinian factions and Arab parties regarding the ongoing ceasefire negotiations, which Quds Network (…

1 month ago

Pride 2024: Solidarity with Gaza

 Meet danger with resistance LGBTQIA+ people greet Pride Month this year with a mixture of joy, fear, and anger. …

1 month ago

Hamas leader: Ceasefire framework positive, but details crucial

Senior Hamas leader Osama Hamdan to Al-Jazeera: — The general framework of what was stated in the Qatari-Egyptian-American statement (…

1 month ago

PFLP: Biden is partner in war crimes against our people, not to be trusted

Our people, with all their forces and components, are united in demanding the cessation of aggression. The Popular Front for…

1 month ago

Detroit protests U.S.-armed Zionist attack on Rafah, Wayne State students demand divestment

 Hundreds gathered in Grand Circus Park on May 27 to march through downtown Detroit, protesting the recent U.S.-armed Zionist…

2 months ago

People’s Conference for Palestine closes with a pledge to mobilize against Rafah invasion

The conference concluded with a commitment to intensify ending the genocide in Gaza and igniting a summer of struggle for…

2 months ago

UAW strike strengthens Gaza solidarity movement, labor joins fight against genocide

 May 24 — As the bloody Zionist/White House genocide against the people of Gaza continues, so do protests in…

2 months ago

People of Yemen rally in support of Palestine

The central mobilization took place in Mawlid al-Nabawi Square, west of the city of Saada, and the rest in the…

2 months ago

Palestinian youth lead powerful Nakba Day actions in New Orleans

 Local organizers with the Palestinian Youth Movement led a Nakba Day week of actions in New Orleans, from the…

2 months ago

Joe Biden’s ‘antisemitism’ farce

 Joe Biden has engaged in some pretty abhorrent politics over the years.  At Strom Thurmond’s 90th birthday party in…

2 months ago