
May Day 2024: Resist the witch-hunts!

On International Workers’ Day 2024, workers in the U.S. could swear that Senator Joe McCarthy and Minister Cotton Mather had…

3 months ago

PFLP: Long live May 1 as a day of struggle against the enemies of humanity

O our great Palestinian people, O people of the Palestinian working class and strugglers everywhere, O all the free and…

3 months ago

Mumia to student protesters: ‘Shake the earth’ for people of Gaza

The following solidarity message was given over the phone by former Black Panther and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal to the…

3 months ago

Delay of Freedom Flotilla is illegal, facilitates genocide of Palestinians

The PAL Law Commission and Worldwide Lawyers Association (WOLAS), joined by lawyers and legal organizations globally, alongside U.N. Human Rights…

3 months ago

PFLP: Solidarity with student protesters in U.S.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) condemns the repressive practices of the administrations of universities in the…

3 months ago

When Che Guevara came to Gaza

Since the explicit Israeli colonization of historic Palestine in 1948, supported by colonialist and imperialist powers, namely Britain and the…

3 months ago

New atrocities revealed at Nasser Medical Hospital: unimaginable genocidal crimes

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) confirmed that the revelation of new atrocities committed by the occupation…

3 months ago

Columbia crackdown fuels national student protests for Gaza

April 19 — Columbia University students continue their "Gaza solidarity encampment" on the main lawn of the New York City…

3 months ago

The voice of Israel’s defeat; a confession by Israeli newspaper Haaretz

One of the leading Israeli media confesses that they are losing the war despite military superiority and genocide. A few…

3 months ago

Statement from Google workers with the No Tech for Apartheid campaign on Google’s mass, retaliatory firings of workers

This evening, Google indiscriminately fired over two dozen workers, including those among us who did not directly participate in yesterday’s…

3 months ago