Puerto Rico

Tom Soto ¡Presente! 1943 – 2020

The peoples’ movement has lost a giant. Puerto Rican revolutionary Tom Soto died on June 1 in the city of…

4 years ago

Dinner honors revolutionary activist Tomás Soto

One hundred and fifteen people packed a restaurant in the Dominican Republic city of Santiago on Feb. 29 to honor…

4 years ago

Rafael Cancel Miranda, in our hearts

San Juan, Puerto Rico On the night of Monday, March 2, Rafael Cancel Miranda, the undisputed leader of Puerto Rican…

4 years ago

Rafael Cancel Miranda, ¡PRESENTE!

San Juan de Puerto Rico En la noche del lunes 2 de marzo Rafael Cancel Miranda, líder indiscutible del nacionalismo…

4 years ago

Rafael Cancel Miranda, fighter for the independence of Puerto Rico

Official statement on the death of our beloved national hero Rafael Cancel Miranda: Rafael Cancel Miranda, national hero and fighter…

4 years ago

Rafael Cancel Miranda, luchador por la independencia de Puerto Rico

  Comunicado oficial sobre el fallecimiento de nuestro querido héroe nacional Rafael Cancel Miranda: Fallece Rafael Cancel Miranda, Héroe Nacional…

4 years ago

Oscar López Rivera: ‘Socialism is an alternative that can move us forward’

At a time when what is coming from the U.S. government is all about hatred and misery, hearing Oscar López…

4 years ago

Puerto Rico: ‘They were able to overthrow. People need to know their actions can bring victory.’

SLL interviews Puerto Rico Tribunal leader On Aug. 18, Berta Joubert-Ceci spoke via webinar about the recent developments and challenges…

5 years ago

Puerto Rican people show the way: Mass protests oust governor in just 12 days

Breaking news: Just minutes before midnight on July 24, Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló finally announced his resignation through a…

5 years ago

Pueblo boricua alzado quita gobernador corrupto en 12 días

¡ÚLTIMA HORA! La noche del 24 de julio, apenas a minutos de la medianoche, el gobernador de Puerto Rico Ricardo…

5 years ago