Puerto Rico

Declaration of solidarity with the people of Puerto Rico

A national day of protest and general strike have been called in Puerto Rico on July 22 to demand the…

5 years ago

Declaración de solidaridad con el pueblo de Puerto Rico

El 22 de julio se ha convocado en Puerto Rico una jornada nacional de protestas y huelga general para exigir…

5 years ago

AES’s coal ash pollutes Puerto Rico

On April 18, a delegation of Puerto Rican activists and supporters delivered a strong message to the AES stockholders meeting…

5 years ago

Puerto Rico Tribunal and the crimes of colonialism

From a talk at the Unity for Socialism and Revolution conference, called by the publication Struggle-La Lucha, in Los Angeles…

5 years ago

El Tribunal sobre crímenes coloniales en Puerto Rico

De la charla en la conferencia Unidad para el Socialismo y la Revolución, convocada por la publicación Struggle - La…

5 years ago

Free Puerto Rico! Drop charges on Elimar Chardón Sierra

On February 15, U.S. District Court Judge Laura Taylor Swain allowed Puerto Rico bankruptcy cases and debt restructuring to go…

5 years ago

Puertorriqueños combaten tóxicas cenizas de carbón

Gobierno de colonia de EU aprueba su depósito El movimiento ambientalista y por la salud puertorriqueño se ha movilizado  para…

6 years ago

Puerto Ricans fight coal ash poison

U.S. colonial government okays dumping waste Puerto Rico’s environmental and health movement mobilized to stop legislation proposed by the U.S.…

6 years ago