Solidarity statements

Congratulations to Donetsk communists on 5th anniversary of Vperyod

Dear comrades, The Socialist Unity Party of the United States and our publication, Struggle-La Lucha, send you warm congratulations on…

3 years ago

Haiti: We stand in solidarity to demand an end to police terror

Port-au-Prince, May 31 — We strongly denounce the brutal acts of the police against people in the United States who…

4 years ago

From Turkey to Minneapolis, ‘Your normal is police violence’

On June 4, the socialist organizations Devrimci Parti (Revolutionary Party), Ezilenlerin Sosyalist Partisi – ESP (Socialist Party of the Oppressed),…

4 years ago

Cuban writers and artists in solidarity with U.S. anti-racist protests

The Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) condemned the murder of African American citizen George Floyd as a…

4 years ago

‘Venezuelan people join struggle against racism and repression in U.S.’

We express our strong support for the people of the United States, for those millions who are protesting the murder…

4 years ago

Youth and students in Nepal condemn murder of George Floyd

The Nepal Revolutionary Youths’ Union (NRYU) and Nepal Revolutionary Students’ Union (NRSU) jointly condemn the murder of African American George…

4 years ago

Borotba: Solidarity with rebels against racism and social oppression!

The Borotba movement of Ukraine and the Donbass republics expresses its solidarity with the popular uprising against racism and social…

4 years ago

Rebellion, not riots! Solidarity from Russia’s United Communist Party

The United Communist Party (OKP)  is anxiously watching the popular uprisings unfolding in the United States and expresses its solidarity…

4 years ago

Greece: Solidarity with struggle of workers and people of U.S. against barbarism

The following statement from the influential Greek labor organization, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME), was sent to AFSCME Local 3800…

4 years ago

Nepal: Movement against killing of George Floyd spreads all over world

The following editorial appeared on the front page of the June 3 edition of Workers’ Daily, newspaper of the Nepal…

4 years ago