Solidarity statements

Donbass anti-fascists: Workers’ solidarity is also struggle against racism

Dear comrades! The whole world is now watching as protests unfold in the United States. And we agree with the…

4 years ago

Video: Solidarity from Russia and Donbass to oppressed people of the U.S

Communists, anti-fascists and revolutionary musicians in Russia and the Donetsk People’s Republic shared this video in solidarity with the Minneapolis…

4 years ago

Communist Party of Donetsk on anti-racist action in the U.S.

Progressive forces around the world are watching the mass demonstrations that began in the United States after the police murder…

4 years ago

Palestinians express solidarity with U.S. people confronting racism

  The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) expressed its support for people in the U.S. confronting the…

4 years ago

Support the American people’s demand: Justice for George Floyd!

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) supports the demand of the American people for justice for George Floyd, a…

4 years ago

Germany: Solidarity with U.S. uprisings over murder of George Floyd

We are in solidarity with the insurgents in the United States, who are rising out of anger at the exemplary…

4 years ago

India: Solidarity with fight against cold-blooded murder of George Floyd

Comrade Provash Ghosh, General Secretary, SUCI (Communist) has issued the following statement today, June 1, 2020:  “We express our solidarity…

4 years ago

From Turkey to the U.S., fascism and racism are killing the people

  On May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis, Minn., an African American man named George Floyd was killed by strangulation by…

4 years ago

Statement in Solidarity by American Indian and Indigenous Peoples organizations in Los Angeles, California

Statement in Solidarity with African-American, Afro-Mexicano, Afro-Indigenous and Black relatives everywhere but especially in the USA by American Indian and…

4 years ago

Pro Independence organizations in Puerto Rico and diaspora express support for communities protesting on U.S. streets demanding justice for George Floyd

For immediate release/ May 30, 2020 The organizations of the National Liberation Movement of Puerto Rico, signatories to this communiqué,…

4 years ago